does this count as therapy? does this count as anything?

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

30 Day Challenge, cont.

Day 2: Where you'd like to be in 10 years.

I would like to be in an apartment that is nice but affordable. 
I would like to have traveled across the country on a white Vespa. 
I would like to have long, full, wavy hair that is manageable.
I would like to have had more than three luxurious, lazy beach vacations and at least one Times Square NYE celebration with Brandy. 
I would like to still have Dan, and maybe one other all the time dog named Carlin. 
I would like to have finished school, excelled and also received my doctorate in social work. 
I would like to have had a boob job. 
I would like to still be the "cool" Aunt Abi. 
I would like to be a practicing social worker, preferably for the state, or working with a state-funded institution.
I would like to be able to visit Whitney's & Merman's bar.   
I would like to have a drivers license. 
I would like to still think I am beautiful. 
I would like to have apartments in both New York and either Portland or Seattle. 
I would like to wear glasses most of the time. 
I would like to be a foster mom. 
I would like to own the dog walking business with Maggy and work the weekends. 
I would like to weigh 142 pounds.  
I would like to be submitting my 2nd book to editors. 
I would like to be working on handmade items for my friend's children. 
I would like to have finished my tattoos. 
I would like to still call my mom a few times a week. 
I would like to have mastered yoga and be crazy flexible. 
I would like to have found a hobby that I LOVE and that brings joy to others, and have that be a source, no matter how small, of income for me. 
I would like to still be blogging, even if no one ever sees it. 
I would like to have traveled to Greece, Rome, and Italy by myself. 
I would like to have seen my dearest friends celebrate themselves in whatever ways they wish. 
I would like to still be able to have Jerome laugh at words I make up. 
I would like to still be the kind of girl who takes angled pictures of myself. 
I would like to have found someone I could trust with my heart again. 
I would like to have found someone I could trust with my heart again, again.
I would like to be filling this out once more and putting it on my blog. 

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